Marketing Sabbatical

Are you as challenged as I am to find the time (amidst the day-in-and-day-out requirements of work and life) to devote to new business development and marketing?

It might be time to proactively take the proverbial “bull by the horns.”

Having done just that, I am thrilled to announce a Communication By Design working retreat. I will be in the countryside near Almogia, a remote mountain village in the Andalusia region of southern Spain — smack dab in the middle of bull (fighting) territory!

The plan is to sequester for one entire month. To isolate free of all distraction (well…maybe a client project here, and a hiking excursion there…) To focus and create. To pull all the parts and pieces of my personal brand and CXD story together into a comprehensive set of communication tools. Tools designed to attract • inform • engage.

Almogía, Málaga province, Andalusia region, southern Spain

What is a Sabbatical?

The word sabbatical comes from the Hebrew word “Shabbat,” meaning “to rest” or “to cease.” The concept of a sabbatical is rooted in the biblical tradition of the Sabbath, which refers to a day of rest observed every seventh day.

Over time “sabbatical” evolved to refer to a longer period of rest or leave, often used in academic settings to describe time off granted to college and university professors to focus on research, writing, or other scholarly pursuits.

The idea of taking a break to pursue special projects — especially strategic or creative endeavors that require deep thinking and focus — has since extended beyond academia to other industries and workplaces, including now, we are happy to report, Communication By Design!

Stay in Touch

Following is a “Ship’s Log” (in keeping with my nautical Notes from Drydock) where I document the experience.

I will also be posting on Instagram. I hope we can connect there, and you will comment to let me know where YOU are!


Travel prep: flight booked, Airbnb* booked, ride from Valencia arranged (thanks to my studying-abroad son/chauffeur). I fly on September 22 to Madrid.

*see my Visual Diary post on Airbnb visioning and CSR.


Strategy prep: SMART goal setting for the retreat: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-sensitive.

Check back often. My sabbatical plan is coming soon.