In Search of Vision
As introduced in Brandology post Values, Vision & Mission
Vision is how we passionately imagine our idea, product, service, expertise, world, or life at its potential best, or believe it can (and should) become — the change we want to be
Vision definition is essential for any business or organization — micro or macro, start-up or established, for-profit or not. See my CXD Brandology post for more information: Start With Why: Brand Vision.
How Do We Do It?
There are many ways to go about defining a vision, and all start necessarily with self-reflection, supported by research, writing, and speaking. Once your vision is written, how does it sound when spoken out loud? Or if you talk it first, how does it look when written?
As I work on my vision for CXD, here are some questions I asked (am asking, will always be asking) myself:
- What better world can I imagine? Or better way do I see?
- How might I transform the world (in ways no matter how big or small) for the good of all?
- What needs to happen to manifest these changes? And what can I do?
- Like anyone anywhere, I have unique knowledge, experience, perspective, abilities, values, character (and more) to offer in service to the world. What are they?
- What solutions do I propose to the challenges we face? What are those challenges?
- Which urgent needs or compelling desires of people does my work respond to? Who are those people?
- How do stakeholders feel after they experience (or benefit from) my idea, product, service or expertise? And how did they feel before? How do they experience the transition from before to after?
- What cause, movement, or community does my brand invite — and welcome — members to join?
- How would I complete Lennon’s “Imagine…” or MLK’s “I have a dream that…” sentences?
This post is an entry in Creative Toolbox • Notes from Drydock where we share sneak peeks from behind the scenes of CXD’s own comprehensive overhaul and ongoing brand refresh.