Distilling Values

Text to come…

First image is my core values in 3 x 2 array.

Here’s how I figured it out…

List every value you can think of referencing everything you can find including AI. Use mindmapping to help.
Select those that are important to you. And those that are very important. Lay out on a table, pin to a tack board, or tape on a wall.
Select the values that matter most.
Remove the others.
Of those select 3 to 6 core values. Move options in and out of “selected” until your choices are confirmed.
Add back non-core values that are related. These supporting values can be included in descriptive statements.


imagination • vision • transformation • design • growth


action • opportunity • resilience • initiative • courage


service • potential • responsibility • sustainability • passion


simplicity • clarity • transparency • consistency • distinction


teamwork • diversity • integration • synergy • learning


respect • understanding • trust • authenticity • credibility

Now the hard part begins! My core and support values need to be written into descriptive statements along the lines of this example from Intuit.