Current best practices and emerging trends that inform Communication By Design
solutions for your business, nonprofit, professional practice, or consultancy

The best brands are more than a logo. They create an identity, story, and community people want to be a part of and tell their colleagues and friends about. They embody PURPOSE —  a “why”— boldly expressed with authenticity, clarity, distinction, and a compelling aesthetic presence.

Start With Why: Brand Mission

Mission is our proactive role in driving our vision forward through a business, nonprofit, professional practice, or consultancy, in wholehearted keeping with our values — what we intend to do.

Start With Why: Brand Vision

Vision is how we passionately imagine our idea, product, service, expertise, world, or life at its potential best, or believe it can (and should) become — the change we want to be.

Start With Why: Brand Values

Values reflect the deeply-held beliefs that define our identity, determine our priorities, guide our behavior, and inspire alignment around a common purpose or goal — what we stand for.

Values, Vision & Mission

As a forward-thinking enterprise creator, when you start a business, nonprofit, professional practice, or consultancy, you begin with why. Why do you do what you do? And why should anyone care?

This page launched October 2024 and is gaining momentum. Meanwhile, check out Creative Toolbox • A Visual Diary, where we feature — among other topics related to communication design — exemplary brands: emerging to established, micro to macro, local to global.